About Maytree

At Maytree, we believe that everyone has the right to a life without poverty. Our economic and social systems create poverty when they fail to focus on human dignity. The most enduring way to keep people out of poverty is to reimagine and rebuild our public systems to respect, protect, and fulfill the economic and social rights of every person in Canada.

photo: streetcar and people on street (iStockphoto)

Get to know us

Mission and vision

Maytree is committed to advancing systemic solutions to poverty and strengthening civic communities.

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Why a human rights-based approach

A human rights-based approach to poverty puts people first. Human rights principles and practices can shape our systems to prevent and eliminate poverty.

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Judy and Alan Broadbent established Maytree in 1982 to find and advance solutions to poverty. Our work, alongside that of our many partners, has taken various forms over the past four decades.

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Our people

Meet Maytree’s staff, board members, and fellows.

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Careers at Maytree

Interested in working on solutions to poverty taking a human rights-based approach?

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Contact us

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Explore more

Why a human rights-based approach

A human rights-based approach to poverty puts people first. Human rights principles and practices can shape our systems to prevent and eliminate poverty.

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Our approach to granting

We take a relationship-based approach to better understand the ideas and plans of groups, and strengthen connections with the people who are leading the work.

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Five Good Ideas

Five Good Ideas is a lunch-and-learn program where subject-matter experts discuss powerful and practical ideas about key issues facing non-profit organizations.

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