Everyone should be able to participate in decisions about the systems, laws, and policies that affect their lives. This is a fundamental principle of a human rights-based approach.
Rights-based participation means that people have meaningful opportunities to work together with elected leaders, public servants, and other decision-makers on identifying and solving problems. It intentionally prioritizes people with lived experience of the issue at hand.
Done well, participation improves the content and process of our public decisions, and strengthens the fabric of our communities and our democracy.
At Maytree, we support and advocate for rights-based participation, so people and communities have meaningful opportunities to participate in the public decisions that affect them.
Featured participation publications

From storytelling to rights-based participation
Meaningful participation is key to a human rights-based approach. Storytelling is a start, but it is only one side of the process. We need to think deeply about how we receive those stories, incorporate people’s expertise into decision-making, and build relationships.

What could authentic rights-based participation look like?
Authentic rights-based participation will require that we be deliberate about naming and addressing the systemic oppressions of those who are disproportionately affected by poverty.

The Canada Disability Benefit Act is progress worth celebrating
The Canada Disability Benefit Act is a historic step forward for our social protection systems. We must be vigilant and continuously monitor how this law is put into operation.
Explore participation publications
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In search of political will: Strengthening Canada’s mechanisms for the domestic implementation of international human rights commitments

Why front-line workers need policy training, and policy needs front-line workers

Next stage of the Canada Disability Benefit journey should be a sprint, not a marathon