Keith Neuman, Ph.D.
Senior Associate, Environics Institute for Survey Research

Keith Neuman is Senior Associate of the Environics Institute, a non-profit research organization whose mission is to promote public opinion and social research on important issues of public policy and social change. In this role, he has directed landmark studies focusing on under-researched segments of the Canadian population (e.g., Urban Aboriginals, Muslims, Blacks), as well as broader public opinion studies on such topics as citizenship, democracy, climate change and multiculturalism. Previous to this position, Keith spent 25 years in senior positions with leading research firms in Toronto, Halifax and Ottawa, working with a wide range of clients in the public, private and non-profit sectors. Keith holds a Ph.D. in Social Ecology from the University of California, and holds the credential of Certified Marketing Research Professional (CMRP). He is a frequent media commentator on social trends and public opinion.