Lisa Mattam
Founder and President, Sahajan

Lisa Mattam is the Founder and President of Sahajan, an Ayurvedic Natural Skin and Haircare Company. Since the company’s launch in 2015, Sahajan has enjoyed great success with coverage in Chatelaine, Cityline, Best Health and Vogue and has a retail presence in both Canada and the U.S. Lisa was the only Canadian chosen for Sephora’s inaugural Beauty Accelerator program, and Forbes magazine has described her as one of eight female entrepreneurs changing the face of beauty. A serial entrepreneur, Lisa’s first venture was The Mattam Group, a consulting practice where she established thought leadership in strategic process, leadership development, diversity and the advancement of women. An industry leader in talent management, The Mattam Group’s clients include Pepsi Bottling, IBM, Dell and Bayer. In 2009, Profit Magazine ranked Lisa as one of the top ten women emerging entrepreneurs in Canada; and, in 2011, the Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce named Lisa its Female Entrepreneur of the Year.