A Labour Force Development Strategy for Ottawa-Carleton
This labour force development strategy was commissioned by the Chairman of the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton. The report identifies the extent of the Region’s labour market problems in terms of unemployment, underemployment and poverty. It discusses several substantive areas of work including the collection and updating of local labour market information, the removal of barriers to labour market participation and selective interventions around skills development and job creation. The report sets out a range of linked strategies for achieving these goals: integrating economic and social agendas, involving key players, forming partnerships and engaging the private sector. The labour force strategy should be tied to broader poverty reduction efforts. In response to this report, the Regional Chairman announced a multisectoral Partners for Jobs Initiative. As part of this Initiative, a Task Force on Employment was created that includes representation from business, sectoral councils, labour, anti-poverty groups, educational institutes, the social sector, and federal and provincial governments.
ISBN – 1-894159-44-6