Axworthy’s Armada: Becalmed or Lost at Sea

This paper questions whether the Social Security Review is sunk before it is launched. Human Resources Development Minister Axworthy’s Action Plan has been delayed until the Fall – in order to avoid the Quebec election and to allow the provinces time to voice their concerns over federal proposals for reforming social programs. Fiscal restraint is the second major obstacle; the Finance Minister has decreed that the Social Security Review must adhere to the spending reductions announced in the 1994 federal Budget. The commentary explains how the Social Security Review of the early 1970s faced similar problems of federal-provincial disagreement and financial restraint. The paper concludes that the ‘shipwreck’ of the Axworthy armada would be unfortunate, given the need to reform Canada’s social programs. The once-in-a-generation opportunity to reform UI, introduce a guaranteed income for children, strengthen supports for families and resolve the Canada Assistance Plan conflict would be lost.
ISBN – 1-895796-20-2