Long-Term Commitment for Long-Term Care
This commentary is a contribution to the publication Healthcare Papers 15.4 edited by Adalsteinn Brown at the University of Toronto and published by Longwoods Publishing Corporation. The current issue focuses on various options for funding long-term care. The lead essay, written by Owen Adams at the Canadian Medical Association and Toronto-based health policy consultant Sharon Varnin, discusses four options that are emerging in Canada and other jurisdictions internationally – general tax revenues, social insurance (employer/employee contributions), private purchase of long-term care insurance and private savings. Various individuals representing diverse perspectives were invited to write commentary responses to the lead essay.
The Torjman commentary “Long-term Commitment for Long-Term Care” examines the relative strengths and weaknesses of the proposed policy options for long-term care funding. Financing through general tax revenues may not be politically popular but it is probably the most feasible approach, given the scope of funds that will be required in the future. It would also provide the most complete coverage of the population.
The full commentary is available in the link below to the Healthcare Papers.
Healthcare Papers