Making the Case for Making the Case
This op ed was published in today’s Toronto Star as “Saving Data to Save the Country.” It is the last commentary in our series on the Data Rescue campaign – aside from a lessons learned piece, which we will be preparing. We welcome any feedback on this crowdfunding experience. It was an experiment for us all.
As our campaign enters its final stage, we want to take this opportunity to thank you, friends ofCaledon, for helping us get so close to achieving our Data Rescue goal of $20,000. With only three days left in our campaign, we have reached $17,736 or 88 percent of our goal. Please visit datarescue, view the video and – if you haven’t done so yet – make a charitable donation. Please help us reach our target by passing along this message to members of your network. We’re almost there!
ISBN – 1-55382-586-1