Moving forward on the right to housing
Submission to CMHC’s National Consultation on a Human Rights-Based Approach to Housing
In November 2017, the federal government published Canada’s first National Housing Strategy – a 10-year, $40-billion plan to give more Canadian’s a place to call home. Crucially, the Strategy recognized that “housing rights are human rights” and announced new legislation, institutions, and programs to progressively implement the right of every Canadian to access adequate housing. To develop this aspect of the Strategy, the federal government held public consultations to hear the opinions and ideas of Canadians.
Maytree’s submission is focused on how the initiatives in the Strategy can be strengthened to reinforce the four human rights-based principles of accountability, participation, inclusion, and non-discrimination. Doing so will make us better equipped to achieve the Strategy’s vision that all Canadians have housing that meets their needs and they can afford.