Policy Insights 2011: Charting Prosperity: Practical Ideas for a Stronger Canada

In this annual publication, Maytree presents more than 50 recommendations intended to contribute to Canada’s prosperity while protecting the country’s most vulnerable.
The recommendations make up the three important “I”s of public policy: ideas, instruments, and investments. They each identify a powerful idea to improve the life of Canadians, the instruments which will be effective in creating that improvement, and the investments that must be made to operationalize the instruments.
The ideas are organized in following thematic areas:
- Income support and social security
- Inclusion and protection
- Democracy and participation
- Immigrant and refugee selection
- Diversity and integration
The recommendations build on the power and potential of public services, and the resiliency of Canadians.
>> Download the Policy Insights 2011
View a recording of the Policy Insights release
This online discussion featured Alan Broadbent, Chair, Maytree, who described the power of public policy to transform society, and explored why some ideas resonate with decision-makers. Sherri Torjman, Vice-President, Caledon Institute of Social Policy, highlighted and described a few key recommendations from the policy document.