The Social Dimension of Sustainable Development
This paper was prepared in response to a request by the Commissioner of Environment and Sustainable Development at the Office of the Auditor General to clarify the meaning of the social dimension of sustainable development. While the paper explores the roles of various sectors, it focusses primarily upon the federal government. Sustainable development is an holistic approach to improving the quality of life. It postulates that there are intrinsic links among economic, social and environmental well-being. While there are no definitive answers as to the social dimension, there are key directions that arise from a studied interpretation of the concept. These include poverty reduction, social investment, and the building of safe and caring communities. The three substantive social dimensions of sustainable development are not new social goals. What is new are the methods implied by the concept of sustainable development which interprets broadly the notion of resources and also has influenced the problem-solving process. By the complex lens that it applies to the world, sustainable development requires the application of multifaceted and more sophisticated solutions than employed in the past.
ISBN – 1-894598-00-8