Sharif Mahdy

CEO, the Students Commission of Canada and the Centre of Excellence for Youth Engagement

photo: Sharif Mahdy

Sharif is the CEO of the Students Commission of Canada (SCC) and the Centre of Excellence for Youth Engagement. Sharif has been with the SCC since 2010 and is accountable for ensuring the cultural and financial sustainability of the organization. Sharif is also accountable for the long-term strategic visioning and operational excellence of the organization. Sharif has an Honours Bachelor of Health Sciences from the University of Western Ontario. He also has a Masters of Arts in Leadership from Royal Roads University. Sharif is also the Volunteer Chair of the National Alliance of Children and Youth (NACY): a national charitable organization that brings organizations together in a collaborative network dedicated to enhancing the well-being of children and youth in Canada. Sharif sits on several non-profit Boards including the Catalysts’ Circle (Past Chair), the Child Development Institute (Vice-Chair), and Mentor Canada (Treasurer).

The Students Commission of Canada is a national inter-generational charitable organization that works with others to ensure that young people’s voices are heard, valued, and that their ideas for improving themselves, their peers, and their communities are put into action. Since 2000, the SCC has led the Centre of Excellence for Youth Engagement: a national network of youth-serving organizations, policy-makers, youth, and academics interested in identifying and sharing best practices on meaningful youth engagement.